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Locality: Ponca City, Oklahoma

Phone: (360) 350-8940

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Zoe Mazepa Horsemanship & Colt Starting 05.04.2021

This is how I led Lexi in from the pasture to get ridden tonight What a good girl, might just be a cute trick but the coolest part to me is that it only works if the horse wants to be with you. That’s what means the most to me, I’m so glad she likes me enough to come with me even though she knows she’ll get ridden

Zoe Mazepa Horsemanship & Colt Starting 03.04.2021

So lucky to get to do what I love! Thanks Amy Kramer and Jenna Baxter for sending me some nice horses to start I’m in heaven!!!!

Zoe Mazepa Horsemanship & Colt Starting 19.03.2021

Got my rope down on Energy tonight and was pleased that she wasn’t bothered by it in the least. After riding her English all last weekend I wanted to make sure she could still make it as a ranch pony in case her dressage career doesn’t pan out I love doing a little bit of everything with all the horses I ride! It’s just more fun than staying in one lane, plus it’s great for the horses’ mind!

Zoe Mazepa Horsemanship & Colt Starting 04.03.2021

First time out in the cow pasture for Energy. It was a lot for her but I kept re focusing her mind back to me and we were able to do some good trot and canter work and end walking on a nice loose rein back to the barn. Made for a wonderful evening

Zoe Mazepa Horsemanship & Colt Starting 18.02.2021

I’m so proud of this filly! She is a very sensitive, sharp minded horse and has been doing great at my place but it’s time to get her out and have some new experiences. Today I brought her over to Amy Kramer’s place and she did amazing! After getting out of the trailer she needed to move her feet but as soon as I gave her a job to do she was so focused and her attention stayed with me the whole ride! Nothing in her yard or the ATVs getting driven up and down the rode even got... an ear flicked in their direction! I’m so happy that apparently I’ve given her a good enough deal that she is happy to work with me and do the jobs that I give her! She’s still a lot to manage with her busy brain but as long as you give her things to do she’s a happy camper! I love riding colts and feel so blessed to get to work with each horse that’s sent to me P.S. It was her first time in full dressage gear She looked so fancy!